Five Ways To Manage Emotions Better

Emotional Intelligence or more commonly known as EQ is our ability to not only identify and manage our own emotions but also the ability to manage the emotions of the people around us.

In his book ‘Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ’, Daniel Goleman has outlined five elements we can use to objectively evaluate our Emotional Intelligence thus bringing us one step closer to perfecting the art of being a composed, collected and highly effective individual.

Self Awareness

Being self-aware is the ability to disassociate ourselves from the situation and people that we are dealing with.

To be self-aware also means that we are able to reflect on our strengths and weaknesses, to know the limit to our control and to be confident in our own skin.

Self Regulation

The second element that makes up our Emotional Intelligence has a lot to do with our ability to manage disruptive emotions and impulses. Actively check our emotion levels and keep a firm grip on them.


Self-motivation is an internal force that pushes us forward when we encounter a dead end, it is a driving factor that tells us to delay gratification regardless of the situation that we are put in, and it is the one thing that can keep us going when we feel like giving up.

There are a number of ways to stay motivated like having vision boards posted beside your bedside to keep you motivated, repeating a special mantra whenever you are feeling down or even having lucky charm that you bring with you wherever you go.


The ability to identify and understand the wants and needs, as well as the situation of another human being is the fourth element that is used to measure our Emotional Intelligence. It is the link between ourselves and others and it is crucial in building and maintaining relationships.

Social Skills

Having charisma and exuding a certain kind of energy is important. When we are able to make someone else agree with us and feel comfortable with us is where we have reached a turning point that signals that the other person has given us their trust and we are seen as one of their own.

  • 8 years ago
  • tldr

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