Category Archives for "tldr"

increasing productivity

How To Be More Productive

TLDR ON The desire to slack off, to do nothing and to simply procrastinate until the day is over is strong in us.Especially if our day is moving extremely slow or simply just because we’re sitting at our desk sick for the third time this month. I sometimes find myself in similar situations at work […]

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  • 8 years ago
  • tldr
Be an effective communicator

5 Ways To Communicate Effectively

TLDR ON Communication at its simplest form involves the act of transferring information from one place to another. It is the interaction between two or more people being actively engaged on a certain idea or message that results in a desirable action. However most of the time it’s not what you say that matters most […]

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  • 8 years ago
  • tldr

3 Best Ways To Overcome Monday Blues

TLDR ON ​If you’re tired of having the Monday blues, and want to start seeing a change in your Mondays, below are three steps you can take to maximize your Mondays to make the first day of the work week just a little bit more bearable.

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  • 8 years ago
  • tldr

How To Get People To Like You

TLDR ON Being likeable at its core is about the ability for people to invoke feelings of pleasantness and relatability within another person towards themselves.How then are you able to invoke feelings of pleasantness towards you? ​Here are three ways that you can take to increase the chances of getting people to like you: Make […]

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  • 8 years ago
  • tldr

Five Ways To Manage Emotions Better

TLDR ON Emotional Intelligence or more commonly known as EQ is our ability to not only identify and manage our own emotions but also the ability to manage the emotions of the people around us.In his book ‘Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ’, Daniel Goleman has outlined five elements we can use […]

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  • 8 years ago
  • tldr

Am I Heading In The Right Direction?

TLDR ON ​Being too focused on taking the right road has left many of us paralyzed at taking that next big step in our journey to life that we often forget that life is not a quaint little road where we only have two different diverging paths; rather it is more like a super highway.In […]

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How To Switch Back To Work Mode

TLDR ON Taking a break from work and going on holiday is something that we don’t do often enough, mainly because we dread the after effects of coming back. Coming back to work after a long weekend can feel like a drag. It feels very much like you’re trying so hard to keep that productive […]

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How To Survive A Never Ending Meeting

TLDR ON How To Survive A Never Ending Meeting 1. Set a Specific TimeHave a specific time in the week set for only meetings and set the maximum time for the meeting. An example would be to have every Monday morning and Thursday evening for an hour to have meetings.Anytime other that those pre-determined dates […]

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Achieving Your Peak Potential

TLDR ON Many times when we fail at achieving our goal, our first instinct is to shift the blame onto someone or some other circumstance that prevented us from achieving said goal.But if we are always making excuses for ourselves and our failures instead of owing up to it, we will most likely not get […]

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  • 8 years ago
  • tldr

Living Life With Purpose

TLDR ON We’ve always been told to take the safe route, and to not disturb the norm. And yet because of this set of instructions we feel a little empty inside, we feel like there has to be something more than this.And this feeling becomes even more apparent when we actually see people who are […]

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  • 8 years ago
  • tldr