All Posts by Julian Yong

Am I Heading In The Right Direction?

TLDR ON ​Being too focused on taking the right road has left many of us paralyzed at taking that next big step in our journey to life that we often forget that life is not a quaint little road where we only have two different diverging paths; rather it is more like a super highway.In […]

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How To Switch Back To Work Mode

TLDR ON Taking a break from work and going on holiday is something that we don’t do often enough, mainly because we dread the after effects of coming back. Coming back to work after a long weekend can feel like a drag. It feels very much like you’re trying so hard to keep that productive […]

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How To Survive A Never Ending Meeting

TLDR ON How To Survive A Never Ending Meeting 1. Set a Specific TimeHave a specific time in the week set for only meetings and set the maximum time for the meeting. An example would be to have every Monday morning and Thursday evening for an hour to have meetings.Anytime other that those pre-determined dates […]

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Discovering Life’s Purpose

TLDR ON Life is too short to be stressing over one overarching ultimate goal that we’re supposed to serve. Instead it should be smaller goals or things we want to have experienced before. We get so side tracked by our daily lives that we often forget to actually live.Here are 5 things you can do […]

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Plan To Succeed This Year

TLDR ON When new year’s day rolls around every year we tell ourselves that this is the year we make a change. Sadly every year after about 5 days after new years we get hit by this phenomenon called life and we then tell ourselves we’ll start this project of change when we actually have […]

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