Potential Matrix Book Launch Team


Join the 'Potential Matrix' Book Launch Team and Help Spread the Word

We at Thriving Talents are feeling pretty excited. Our best selling book, the Potential Matrix is going to be relaunched for sale online. This means that now, Potential Matrix will be able to impact the lives of millions around the world.

Michael Teoh, Master Jedi at Thriving Talents co-authored the book with his partner-in-crime, Ian Chew to help people like you and me uncover the strategies of  success in every area of life. This book is the fruit of extensive research and analysis, studying the lives of the Top 39 under 39 Global Achievers.

Now, the reason that we need your help is because we know that a successful book launch cannot be done alone. It has to be a team effort. That's why we are actively recruiting a Potential Matrix Launch Team to help us spread the news. If you'd like a chance to join, click here.

What are the benefits of being a Book Launch Member?

There are a number of benefits for joining up. As a launch team member, you’ll receive:

  • A complimentary digital review copy via email
  • Exclusive access to a private Facebook group with Michael where we'll interact, strategize, and share ideas.
  • Insider insights at how we structure the book launch
  • Discounted bundle price only available to Book Launch Team 🙂
  • And more!

Our only requests as a Launch Team member are:

  • You agree to read the book ASAP upon receipt
  • You agree to provide feedback & engage with us via Facebook or email
  • You agree to leave a review on launch date
  • You agree to help spread the word about the book (we'll equip you with tools to share)
  • You agree to share ideas and brainstorm additional ways we might further expose the message to an even greater audience. All ideas are welcome.

Of course, we'd also love for you to buy a copy of the book (or multiple copies) to help support the launch but that's optional... although highly preferred. : )

Here’s how the selection process works. First, make sure you’re signed up. You can do that here.

On March 5, 2016 we'll randomly select 50 people, from all submissions to be a part of the team and notify them via email by end of day on March 6, 2016.

Thank you so much for your willingness to join in! Potential Matrix is going to help countless people get the life they want. And your participation in our launch efforts can help make it happen.


Share your ideas in the comment section on what we can do to improve this launch. The best answer will get a Potential Matrix gift.